Molly Lee

Hi! I am a Technology Analyst at Accenture, currently working as a backend software developer for electric vehicles on a client project. I received my Master's of Science in Computer Science from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2020 and my Bachelor's of Arts in Mathematics and Physics in 2016.

My interests include software development, game development, and quantum research. Please see the links below for my Resume, GitHub profile, and profile. Check out the rest of my website to see my game development and research projects!

The Three Mutineers (Unity C#)

The Three Mutineers is a 2D three-player cooperative game developed by myself and two others at the 2019 Texas A&M Chillennium Game Jam, created and prepared for judging in under 48 hours based on a given theme: "All For One And One For All" I used Adobe Photoshop to hand-craft the art for the scenery and assisted my teammates with puzzle mechanics, scripts to program the puzzles, movement, and tilemap manipulation.

GitHub Link:

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Puzzle mechanics, programming, movement, tilemap animation, character animation

Platform Support:

Windows 10


Player 1: WASD to move, Spacebar to attack/interact. Players 2 and 3: Xbox joysticks to move and A to attack/interact.

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Actively Developing:


What have I learned from this project?

I learned how to create 2D art for scenery in games, as well as how to implement 3-player controller input and utilizing mechanics to solve puzzles.